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What are the Five Types of Human Beings?

There are five types of human beings.  One is the Manava-Daivatvam (human-Divine) type; second, the Manava-Manavatvam (human-human); third, the Manava-Danavatvam (human-demonic); fourth, the Manava-Pashutvam (human-animal); fifth, the Manava-Heenatvam (debased human).

1. Manava-Daivatvam (Human-Divine)

The Human-Divine  type  consists  of  persons  who  are  aware  of  the  Divinity  in  them.  They recognise that the Atma is the real Self and regard the body as an instrument for realising the Divine. They strive to lead pure and sacred lives, always entertain pure thoughts and engage themselves in acts of charity and righteousness. They concentrate their minds on the Divine and fill their lives with the love of God.

2. Manava-Manavatvam (Human-Human)

The human-human type are those who discharge their prescribed duties in life according to the various  stages – Brahmacharya, Grihastha,  Vanaprastha  and  Sanyasa  (student, householder, forest-dweller and mendicant) and lead a pure and sanctified life. Such persons strive to adhere to the basic human values of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love and thereby live up to their true human nature. The term Manava (human) has two meanings.  One is ‘Ma’ (not) ‘Nava’ (new) meaning ‘one who is not new’. This means that man has a long history behind him. The other meaning is: ‘Ma’ – ‘Na’ –‘Va’ – meaning ‘one who is free from ignorance’ (Ma - ignorance, Na - without, Va - living). True humanness consists of turning away from evil courses and pursuing right paths in life.

3. Manava-Danavatvam (Human-Demonic)

This type of human beings follow evil practices not only in matters relating to food and recreation, but engage themselves in acts of cruelty and violence. They lead lives bereft of morality and justice. They are intensely selfish and have no thought of being helpful to anyone. The demonic quality is identified with selfishness and cruelty. If righteousness  is  the  mark  of  a truly  human  person,  wickedness is  the  mark  of  the demonic being.

4. Manava-Pashutvam  (Human-Animal)

This type of  person  is concerned  only with eating,  sleeping  and  sensuous  pleasures.  These animal qualities are described in Hindi as “Khana, Sona, Marna” (eating, sleeping and dying). These persons have no higher aims in life. Hence, they lead an animal existence.

5. Manava-Heenatvam (Debased Human)

There is only one thing which is worse than this human-animal existence. That is the debased human being, who  will  go  to  the extent of subjecting himself to suffering  for  the  purpose  of doing harm to others. He will be prepared to lose both his eyes to see that the other man loses one. He will do harm to those who have done him good. This is the most degraded type of human being.

The greatness of a human being does not consist in returning good for good. It consists of doing good to the one who has done him harm. It is enough if men try to be at least truly human, if they cannot rise to the level of the human-Divine. Men should seek to live as true human beings. Thereby they may go towards the Divine. Whatever studies you may pursue, whatever degrees you may acquire, never fail to live up to your true human estate.  Without  developing the true human  qualities,  all  learning is  like  the  howling  of  jackals  in a  cemetery. Getting by rote all kinds of knowledge without making any effort to put even a fraction of it into practice is simply an infliction on the memory.

Source: Five Types of Human Beings, Discourse 22, My Dear Students Volume 2; Divine Discourse on July 23, 1987 at Prasanthi Nilayam Campus Auditorium


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