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Sai Publications

Sri Sathya Sai On: The Message of the Vedas and Shastras

Veda Poshana in Action - A Primal Duty of the Avatar

The Vedas and the Shastras (scriptures) have stated the correct path that man has to follow. These scriptures state that the respectable people should be respected. Nevertheless, due to the adverse effects of the Kali Age, people who ought to be respected are being disrespected and those who ought not to be respected are being respected. No excellence lies in helping people who have helped you. One has to help those people who have hurt you.

Many people think that by doing so, we may be encouraging them, but No. People, who have harmed you, must be helped. If you inflict harm on people who have harmed you, how can you be a good person? By hurting a harmful person, you will also become a harmful person. By your reaction, you are losing your stature. Even though he is a wicked person, be benevolent to him and thereby improve your stature. It is the duty of man to go upward by respecting the people who disrespected him, and helping people, who harmed him. However, man does not strive to understand this great truth. He believes untruth to be the truth and truth to be untruth. For example, man, without any self-effort, wants to eat and enjoy himself. You can realise for yourself what greater falsehood lies in that outlook. Is it not unreal and untruth to live one’s life without working? Is not eating an action? Is not walking an action? Is not breathing an action? Is not talking an action? Even while performing all actions, man thinks he is not. Human body cannot exist for a moment without performing action. The body is for doing action and it has to be performed. Man thinks that he is not seeing God, though all the time he is seeing, feeling and experiencing Him. If he is not stupid, what else is he? Whatever he sees and enjoys, is it not the embodiment of Divinity? God exists everywhere. God is Bliss. God is vision. God is Universe.


Even when he performs actions, man deludes himself that he is not performing any action and while seeing God everywhere, he thinks he cannot see Divinity. All this is due to three reasons. They are Mala, Vikshepa and Avarana. 

Mala means dirt. This dirt accumulated on the mirror of the mind has to be cleaned. This can be removed only with a deliberate self-effort. Instead of washing it away, we are accumulating it day-by-day. Moreover, the eternal truth, which is ever effulgent, remains hidden in us.

What is Vikshepa? The doubt-ridden nature on everything, swayed away by anger is known as Vikshepa. Man’s life is entirely filled with doubts. He is always in a doubtful condition whether his work will be successful or not. What is the cause for this? It is because of lack of trust in God. In times of perfect faith, these doubts will not arise. Man wilfully encourages his doubtful temperament. He degrades himself into the depths of disbelief. Because of his disbelief in himself, he is keeping his own money in others’ pockets. He has confidence neither in himself nor in the other person since, he still has a doubt if the other person would return his money or not. Man’s life has become a bundle of doubts. In this mound of doubts, there are snakes called attachment and hatred. Hence, our life has become an anthill. We cannot say for certain when these snakes of attachment and hatred will spring out. These vices are binding man. The cause for hatred and attachment is disbelief. Man has to foster strong faith. It does not matter whether one has faith in God or not. At least let him foster faith in himself. Self-confidence is the real Divine trust.

The third one is Avarana. What is it that has covered us? It is desire that has covered us.


The wealth we have and the acquisitions we possess last as long as we live. But after death, will they come with us? They are passing clouds. The eternal wealth we possess is our wisdom. Wisdom opens the gates for liberation. The mind has to be concentrated at the point in between the two eyebrows. Even Meera concentrated on the Agneyachakra for continuing her Dhyana (meditation). Meera said, “Oh mind! Concentrate between the two eyebrows (between Ida and Pingala – the mystical nerves)”.

When we travel through Agneyachakra, we reach the Sahasrara Chakra containing one thousand petals of lotus. The presiding deity of this lotus is the ‘Aum’. The three qualities of the Tamasic (sluggish), Rajasic (aggressive) and the Satwic (serene), attached with our feelings and imaginations of the past, split up the thousand-petal lotus. Our feelings and imaginations make the thousand petals of the lotus flicker. When it splits up, certain virtues arise. You will be extremely blissful and at the same time, you will be angry too. What is the cause for this? We think that external factors are the possible cause for this anger. Nevertheless, the inner secret is, when these petals are touched, certain inner qualities are brought up. Everything is decided and determined by God.

When Rama and Lakshmana were in forest, Lakshmana prayed to Rama, “O brother! Mother Kaikeyi is responsible for all these trials and tribulations. Mother Sita had never experienced these hardships. She had never even seen the scorching sun. Mother Kaikeyi is responsible for our plight today.” Rama replied, “Lakshmana, Kaikeyi is only an instrument. All this drama is enacted according to the will of God. It is God who is responsible for all pain and pleasure, distress and difficulties. People are not responsible for the presence of evil. Without the will of God, even a leaf cannot flutter; even a blade of grass cannot quiver. Nothing can happen without the will of God. Even the planets are set into motion by His will. For everything, the will and determination of God is the cause. It is man’s weakness that he tries to find some people responsible for his own plight”.


Man is made up of Pancha Koshas (five life sheaths). The first Kosha (sheath) is the Annamaya Kosha - the food sheath. The food that we eat becomes the mind, the Manomaya Kosha, the mental sheath. This mental sheath, in course of time, with the association of the vibration, becomes the life sheath, the Pranamaya Kosha. The three sheaths Annamaya, Manomaya and Pranamaya are of the world. Once we cross the borders of these three Koshas, we go on to Vignanamaya Kosha, the intellectual sheath and then to Aanandamaya Kosha, the bliss sheath. 

The sages of the yore travelled through the Muladhara Chakra to the Sahasrara Chakra and fulfilled their lives. If you do not understand this, you will become merely worldly men instead of being true spiritual aspirants. These Chakras are not really in the form of wheels. To demonstrate to people, they were depicted like that. To study the mind and different parts of the body, you are advised to concentrate on the Chakras. When the mind is steadied at a particular point, the fickleness would not happen. The balance of the body has to be maintained through the mind.


The Sapta Chakras (Seven mystical energy centres in the human body) are Muladhara Chakra, Swadhishthan Chakra, Manipura Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, Ajnya Chakra and Sahasrara Chakra.

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