Thursday, June 4, 2009
On the 4th June, 2009, the Vice-Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai University, Principal of Prasanthi Nilayam Campus along with other faculty members prayed to Bhagavan to visit the college and bless the students with His Divine Message in the college auditorium. Bhagavan indicated that He would come.
At noon on 4th June, 2009, Bhagavan went to the auditorium where He pleasantly surprised everyone involved in the preparations for the Divine visit. Bhagavan took a note of all preparations and said that He had come only to supervise the arrangements and that He would come again at 4.00 pm for the function. The Warden requested Bhagavan that since a special room for Him had been made in the Hostel; He should bless the Hostel by the Divine visit. Bhagavan agreed to do so. He spoke to the Registrar for a few minutes and then left.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Vishwanath Pandit welcoming Chancellor Sri Sathya Sai at the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus Auditorium
Bhagavan arrived at the auditorium at about 4.15 pm. He was warmly welcomed with Panchavadyam music by the Institute students, Professor Vishwanath Pandit, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai University; Professor U. S. Rao, Principal of Prasanthi Nilayam Campus; Dr. Naren Ramji, the new Registrar and Sri G. S. Srirangarajan, the new Controller of Examinations. That day, the video-conferencing facility that exists between the three current Campuses of the University was used to relay the proceedings to the Anantapur and Brindavan Campuses.
Sri Sathya Sai blessing the manuscript authored by Prof. Ramamoorthy and Shashank Shah
The function started with Bhagavan releasing two books, the first one entitled, ‘Soulful Corporations - Ushering in a Better World’ was offered to Bhagavan by the authors - Professor V. E. Ramamoorthy and Sri Shashank Shah (Doctoral Research Scholar). Bhagavan very graciously opened the book and went through the contents. He looked pleased with the book and blessed Professor Ramamoorthy.
Sri Sathya Sai blessed the manuscript authored by Shashank Shah and Sudhir Bhaskar
The second book entitled, ‘Corporate Stakeholders Management – Why, What and How – A Dharmic Approach’ was offered to Bhagavan by the authors, Sri Shashank Shah and Professor A. Sudhir Bhaskar. Bhagavan glanced through the pages and blessed both the authors lovingly. Thereafter, Professor Vishwanath Pandit delivered the welcome address. He sought Bhagavan’s blessings to be befitting instruments in His Divine Mission.
Aman Jhaveri addresses the students in the Divine Presence
His address was followed by the speech of Sri Aman Jhaveri, a second year M.B.A. student of the University, who spoke on Bhagavan’s important message, ‘Love for God, Fear of Sin and Morality in Society’. Then came the awaited moment when Bhagavan conceded to the Vice-Chancellor’s request to give His Divine Message.
“In this sacred land of Bharat, forbearance and patience are the greatest wealth. In this country, the most enduring feeling is the sacred feeling of motherhood. Today we have bid good bye to the principles by which the country has lived through i.e. one’s honour is greater than one’s life. We have taken to licentiousness. In today’s world, many people have spent their life praying to God and trying to win the grace of God. Today, such women have given a go by to the great principle that one’s honour is greater than one’s body. For women three things are important Kattu – good dress habits, Bottu - the dot on the forehead and Juttu – the right kind of hair style. Today, they have given up such sacred habits and are leading lives like men (wearing pants and shirts). This is a contradiction to the way of life taught by the Indian culture. The Bharatiya culture always granted honour and bliss. But today, the ways of life taught by the Indian culture are getting perverted.
Today, even boys have undergone a great change. Boys will have to lead respectable lives, work hard and bring a good name to their parents. They should also bring joy to the society. What is the cause for ruin of society today? The three important principles of Daiva Preeti - Love for God, Papa Bheeti - Fear of sin, and Sangha Neeti - Morality in society have been forgotten by the people. You may forget God, but God will not forget you, because God is present within you. To realise God and to understand God is very difficult. Nobody can explain what God is, where God is. You may imagine that God has a certain form. But God does not have a form. If you ask God – ‘What is your name?’ He would say, “Aham Bramhasmi” – I am God. Because you are deluded, you ask the question ‘Who are you?’. You have emerged from God. You are deluded with the body feeling and believe God to have come in human form. You are only looking at God in the form of the body. The body is like a bag, in which the materials are senses, mind, discrimination, intelligence, Ahamkara. All these are within you. You are thinking they have emerged from the body, but they are not related to the body at all. Only the five elements are related to the body, once they are gone the body ceases to exist. Do not give so much importance to the body.
Many people worship the form of Krishna or Vishnu or any other form of God. Where did the pictures of these deities come from? All these are pictures we imagine are paintings by Raja Ravi Verma (a great Indian painter). Seeing this picture you perceive to have had the vision of Lord Krishna. This is not correct. These are only various symbols of Krishna. Who is Krishna? He is Divinity in human form. You must worship that Divinity within you, the way you worship Him outside.
What is Meditation?
Meditation does not mean simply sitting with eyes closed contemplating on the form. Closing your eyes and focusing on the form does not mean contemplation. When there is some fickleness in the mind while meditating on the form it is called concentration and not contemplation. When this fickle mindedness goes away you begin to contemplate and when you are completely steady on His form and finally forget both yourself and the form, you reach Samadhi. Ultimately, there will not be any form. That is Arupa or formlessness. That is the ultimate principle - Atma. People have called it by different names. Just because you are worshipping the form, it is not the end. That is not concentration. There is always change and fickleness in concentration. As you persist in concentration the fickleness will diminish. Then it becomes contemplation. When you proceed further on the path, focus becomes completely steady. See that your focus is steady. This is true meditation…
The Five Human Values
One must cultivate the five values of Satya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema, and Ahimsa. Satya (truth) is permanent, Truth is one; Dharma (righteousness) is the reflection of Satya. When you have Satya and Dharma, then you have Shanti (peace), which are not the pieces you get in Bazaars (markets). When you are peaceful then you don’t hurt or hate anybody. This develops into love. Love brings about equality in everyone. In such a situation there will be no quarrels in the world. Therefore, truth and righteousness are highly essential to attain love. In any situation you should not take the path of untruth. If you speak untruth there can’t be love. Only by speaking the truth at all times one can attain love. This is what the Upanishads have taught us. Many sages have taught these truths in different ways but the underlying thought is the same. It is the One reflected as many (Ekam Sat Vipraha Bahuda Vadanti).
Ekam Eva Adviteeyam Brahma – God is one without a second. The feeling of the existence of a second entity implies that you are deluded. It is true quality of devotion that this delusion is removed. Many beggars crowd around a rich man. One begs for food, another for money and another for a house. In the same way if we go to God and ask Him this and that, then we all become beggars. The whole world has become a place for beggars. You beg to get a vote and for the vote you have to give a note. We should not do that. God is within you. Ask and you will get what you want. Because of these beggars, the society is getting spoilt. All this has led to pollution of water, food, land, milk, air and everything else. The Ganges which is extolled by this land of Bharat as a mother has been severely damaged. Today, if a Brahmin takes a fist full of Ganga water, the water is full of dead and decaying matter. There is nothing that is pollution-free today. To remove this pollution, students have to grow up having a pure mind. A pure mind is one without any doubts; which is steady, selfless and pure. Only then the honour of the country will be upheld.
The True Use of One’s Education

There are many students with a lot of degrees. How are they using these degrees? What is the use of taking these degrees? They just take degrees and work for money. Money is what matters in this world. To go to the temple you have to pay money, for a cup of coffee, a bottle of water, etc. you need money. We should develop humanness rather than running after money. For all problems around us we are responsible. If you shape yourselves to be good students and practise what you learn, it would do a great help to the world. You should lead your lives with a sense of humility and obedience. You should not have arrogance or pride. You have to give up arrogance, pride and other wicked qualities. Only when you get rid of them, you become a pure man.
Where did ‘Man’ come from? He has come from the heart, not the physical heart, it is the spiritual heart. In the spiritual heart there is no dirt. You should inculcate pure thoughts and pure feelings and share them with others, in such a way that whatever you do, it should be helpful to others. Help ever and hurt never should be the two things that you should practise as a student. One who is not a student will never help, he keeps hurting. Speak good words, develop good feelings and be obedient. This is very essential for students.
Today there are many arrogant people among those who have studied. They boast to have done many Ph.D’s. What is a Ph.D? A Ph.D is one who helps others through his research and develops the country. This is the true objective of doing a Ph.D.
Always Love Your Parents
Never forsake your parents till your last breath. Even if they are not able to provide you food, you should love them. Mother goes through a lot of hardships for your sake. In many ways she has nourished you. It is worst of sins if you forget your mother. Father also helps you so much. In many ways he has nourished you. You should never make your parents distant from you. Love your parents till your last breath. He is a true student who loves and respects his parents. Only then your parents will be satisfied. All your education should try to satisfy your parents. Then you will also get satisfied. You will get true satisfaction with all the education you have gained only when you try and satisfy your parents. There are no friends for anyone. Until you have money in your pocket they are your friends; when you are penniless, they bid goodbye.
Love everyone. Never love them on the basis of the materials they posses. That has no value. If you love them for the materials they posses, then you too become valueless. Love should be mental love and not material love. One having material love cannot be happy."
Bhagavan concluded His address by singing the Bhajan ‘Hari Bhajana Bina’. Bhagavan asked the Warden to proceed to the Hostel, since He would be going there. After a long gap of many years, Bhagavan blessed the Sri Sathya Sai Senior Boys’ Hostel with His Divine visit.
Sri Sathya Sai in the Hostel Dining Hall
After entering the dining hall of the Hostel, Bhagavan proceeded to the newly built meditation room and inaugurated it by cutting the ribbon, sprinkling Akshatas and lighting the lamp.

He moved and admired all the different chambers in the room and complimented that it had been made very well. He went around to all the rooms and expressed His satisfaction at the construction and decoration of the premises.
Then Bhagavan visited the Vaikunta Narayana Vanam where the idol of Lord Ranganatha, lying on this Divine bed, Adi Sesha with His consorts had been installed. These idols were sent by Bhagavan nearly twenty years ago and have since then been a prized possession of the Hostel.
Sri Sathya Sai at the Vaikuntha Narayan Vanam
Bhagavan had earlier sent in October 2007, special marble idols of Lord Rama, Lakshmana, Mother Sita and Hanuman especially for the Sri Sathya Sai Senior Students’ Hostel, which now adorn the central position in the Hostel Altar. Bhagavan spent precious 20 minutes showering His blessings on all around in the hall premises and returned to the Mandir.
Bhagavan blessed the Alphonso mangoes to be distributed to all as Prasadam in Sai Kulwant Hall. After listening to a few Bhajans, He accepted Mangala Arati. Before leaving for His residence, He blessed the security guards who had served Him for the past month, posed for a group photo with them and then retired for the day.