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“I bathe thrice a day…”

June 14, 2002 (Friday) 

Sri Sathya Sai at the Prasanthi Nilayam portico

Today, Swami came to Ganesh portico at around 3.35 pm. 

Swami : (Swami showed a piece of paper which was sent by the Maharashtra Chief Minister) Maharashtra Chief Minister proved his majority with Swami’s grace in the Assembly on the 13th of this month. (Swami looked up and instructed that the retractable roof be opened.) Let the fresh air come inside. It will be nice if you get the air. 

Prof. A. K. : Yes, Swami. 

As the ceiling was moved, some water fell on the students. Watching this, Swami told them to stop it. 

Swami : Are you getting fresh air or sun light? 

Prof. A. K. : Both Swami. 

Swami : (To Prof. S. Krupanidhi (Prof. S. K.), Head, Dept. of Biosciences, SSSIHL) How many pants and shirts are stitched? (Prof. Krupanidhi replied) How many are stitching? (Swami was consistently taking interest in the clothes being made ready for the orphan students joining the Deena Janoddharana Pathakam.) 

Prof. S. K. : Swami, 16. 

Warden : Swami, they are the ones stitched last year as Lion Dance costumes. 

Swami : Manchidi (Good). (Swami called two students and asked them to get some cloth from the Poornachandra Auditorium.)

(To Prof. Anil Kumar) In California, America, a lady devotee owned two hospitals. She sold them. One for 26 crores and another for 50 crores and she wants to donate the total amount to the Super Specialty Hospital. (Looking towards the Poornachandra Auditorium) Why are these boys taking so much time? The ones who have gone to take the clothes are Dunnapotus (he-buffaloes) and the one inside is also Dunnapotu.

(To Warden) By this time you could have gone to the Hostel and returned! 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, please sit. 

Swami : I like to stand. I also like to walk. Sitting indicates laziness. It is for people like you. 

The boys returned empty handed and told Swami that the bundle of cloth was big and very heavy. 

Swami : That was the cloth. I had asked you to get the clothes. (The boys ran to get the clothes. Turning to Prof. Anil Kumar) The cloth is very good quality. Did you see it? 

Prof. A. K. : No, Swami. 

Swami looked up at the ceiling and said… 

Swami : It is very dirty. It needs to be cleaned using sand paper. 

Prof. A. K. : Yes, Swami. 

Swami : (To Prof. Anil Kumar) First give colour dresses for their (orphan students) day-to-day use. They can use the white clothes on occasions. 

Seeing the boys bringing the cloth… 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, they seem to be bringing Shiva Dhanush! (the bow of Lord Shiva, because of the weight). (All laughed) 

Swami saw the cloth, showed is to the teachers and asked them to bring it inside. Then Swami went inside the interview room. Swami called students for Prasadam distribution. After some time, Swami came out again. 

Swami : (To a student) Where did you come from? 

Student : Bombay. 

Swami : (Swami showed another student and said) He is also from Bombay. Do you know him? 

Student : He is Niranjan, Swami. 

Swami : (Pointing to another boy) Did you speak in Bangalore? 

Student : Yes Swami. 

There was some sunlight on Swami. 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, shall we get the top closed? 

Swami : No need. (Swami saw the book ‘Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi’ and asked) What is that? 

Prof. A. K. : (Pointing to a student) Swami, it is a book written by this boy’s grandmother. 

Swami : Oh! Karunamba Ramamurthy? 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, she has written very good experiences. 

Swami : (Swami turned to Prof. Radhaswamy, Associate Dean of the School of Business Management at the Institute) Did you get sweet? 

Teacher : Yes, Swami. 

Swami : (Pointing to Music College student) What is your name? 

Student : Vishwas, Swami. 

Prof. A. K. : It sounds a bit new. 

Swami : Is Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai serial being relayed again? 

Prof. A. K. : Yes Swami, I have been watching. 

Swami : How many times do you bathe in a day? 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, I bathe once a day. If necessary I bathe twice. 

Swami : I bathe thrice a day; once in the morning, then before afternoon Darshan and again at night. It keeps Me fresh. (Swami called two students and took their letters. He started reading one letter.) What is determination? 

Student : Swami should tell. 

Swami : How can I tell? You have written the letter.

(To Prof. Anil Kumar) What is determination? 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, it is the strong will to do something - Pattudala. 

Swami : What did you eat? 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, as usual. 

Swami : (Smiling) What is usual? 

Prof. A. K. : What I eat daily Swami. 

Swami : Why do all the boys seem so sad? 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, all boys are happy. 

Warden : Swami, I PG boys want to sing some songs. (The Warden would always take the opportunity to pray to Swami on behalf of the students for any cultural programme or speeches so that more and more students would get an opportunity to present their talents before Swami.) 

Swami : (Smiling) Are you their ring leader? (Swami would always take an opportunity to tease the Warden whenever he would take up such student-related matters to Swami.)

(To Prof. Anil Kumar) Who is a ring master? 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, the person who controls the wild animals in the circus. 

Swami : They derive happiness by beating them. Is that happiness at all? If they are not harmed by you, they won’t harm you either. 

Prof. A. K. : Yes, Swami. 

Swami : When I had been to Africa, we saw lion cubs playing in the jungle. 

We saw them and clicked photos. They didn’t harm us. There no one is afraid of wild animals. 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, if that is a forest area, is there any human habitation? 

Swami : No, this is all in the forest. The city is elsewhere. 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, for how long did You stay there? 

Swami : 18 days. There, as we were travelling along the road, we could see groups of animals moving across the road.

Prof. A. K. : Swami are there any educated people there? 

Swami : Very few. 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, do people conduct Satsangs? 

Swami : Yes, many Satsangs are conducted there. 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, what about their singing talent? Do they sing well? 

Swami : They sing Bhajans in a very high pitch and very loudly. They sing very well. 

Prof. A. K. : Swami, do they play instruments? 

Swami : They play instruments made of forest wood. They asked Me to stay there and said they would do whatever Swami wants. When I was there, 

they celebrated Guru Poornima there in Zambia. It is time for Me to leave. (Swami gets up. To a student) What are you doing? 

Student : Swami, M.F.M. 

Then Swami walked towards birthday-boys and blessed them. After this, Swami went inside the interview room. 


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