Monday, March 12, 2001
Swami : Many doctors from the Manipal Hospital have come. What to do? Very busy. It’s very hot. Who spoke yesterday?
Prof. A. K. : Swami, no one spoke.
Swami : (Jokingly) Eating chapatis you are forgetting everything.
Then Swami called a Greek lady doctor from the ladies’ side and asked her to speak. She spoke about how Swami’s Organisation had done much more service than any other organisation during the Gujarat earthquake rehabilitation. Then she shared about their work in Africa. In the end she sang the song ‘Humko Tumse Pyaar Kitna…’
Swami : See how nicely she sang the song. Very dedicated. In Gujarat, she encouraged the people to be happy and told them that it was a test of God and only when God tests us, do we rise a step higher in spirituality. Test is the taste of God. When she was in Greece, she was like a queen.
But after she came to Swami, see how happy she is by serving you all. Learn and be happy. Never be sad. They stayed there for one month. In Africa, in Tanzania, they are doing a lot of work. Both husband and wife have built a Primary School and High School for the poor children there. They sold all their property and gave away all their clothes. You can see, she is wearing an old sari. In Gujarat, they built a tent for themselves and cooked in it, but did not go to hotels. (Swami sent word for her husband. When he came, Swami talked to him and sent him back.)
Sri Bhagia : Swami, very dedicated people.
Swami : Yes, very dedicated.
Prof. A. K. : Swami, for how many years have they been coming to Swami?
Swami : For the past ten years. From that time, they are doing great service. Her husband is a very good man. Great doctor. He talks less.
(After a pause) Some people are coming from Africa. There is a school with 300 students and another school with 200 students. In Tanzania, they give food, education, everything free. (After a pause) When I give a promise, I never change. But our people give promise in the morning and by evening, they miss it. But these (Greek) people are very sincere. They are going back from here. They have a very good name. The husband is a heart practitioner. Boys, who will speak? (Then Swami asked a few students to speak.) This boy’s mother had throat cancer. When he joined here in our Institute, he called his parents here and I cured her.
After him, another student spoke in English. He concluded his speech with a beautiful Telugu poem. Swami liked it very much and materialised a three-diamond ring for him. After him, another student came to give a speech in Sanskrit.
Swami : He is studying Sanskrit so much that his hair is falling off!
(To the student) When you make Sanskrit speech, don't use the Shloka of Shankaracharya (‘Balavastaat Kreeda Sakta…’). It may be misunderstood.
Sri Adi Shankaracharya with his disciples
Warden : Swami, this boy is studying from 1st standard in Ooty School.
Swami : I know, but you should not use that stanza again in public speeches. Actually Shankaracharya composed only the first and last Shlokas in the Bhaja Govindam. His 13 disciples composed the other 26 Shlokas on the Ganges, youth, etc. Each of them composed two stanzas. Similarly in Gita, it is the same. Krishna composed only five Shlokas. Vyasa wrote the other Shlokas. These are known as “Krishna Vachanam”. When Dhritarashtra asks Sanjaya, “What are my sons and the Pandavas doing?” Sanjaya replied, “Krishna has come for Dharma Rakshana (protection of righteousness). Since Krishna is on their side, victory is theirs.” Krishna gave three promises: Sambhavami Yuge Yuge (I shall incarnate from age to age); Yogakshemam Vahamyaham (I shall take care of the wellbeing and welfare of My devotees); Mokshaishyami Ma Shucha (I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction). (After this Swami went back to talk about that lady who spoke.) Very great, going to Tanzania and doing so much work.
Prof. A. K. : Yes, Swami. When she sang ‘Neeku Maaku Oke Bandhamu’ (You and I have have only one bond), she stressed on that word ‘Bandhamu’ (bond), Swami.
Swami : (To an Institute student) How did she sing?
Student : Very nicely, Swami.
Swami : (To Prof. Anil Kumar) How was the song?
Prof. A. K. : Swami, song was very good. She sang in Telugu.
Swami : She sang the song ‘Neevu Leni Ma Jeevanam…’ (the life without You…).
She stressed on the word ‘Prema Bandham’. Our people don't sing so emphatically. Many people like her are there in many countries. They are very devoted to Swami. (About the importance of Shiksha Valli – a set of verses from the Taittiriya Upanishad) After education, the Guru passes on this Mantram to the Shishya (disciple). The disciple treasures it and maintains lot of respect for it. It is almost like Gita Upadesham (message of the Gita given by Krishna to Arjuna) for them.
Warden : Swami, boys also learn the Mantram.